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Legal information

The mandatory legal notices concerning the site are indicated on this page in accordance with the law for confidence in the digital economy (LCEN) of June 2004.

♼ Mandatory legal notices
♼ Hosting providers
♼ Hyperlinks (responsibility)
♼ Intellectual Property
♼ Contact me

Mandatory legal notices
Identification of the company DYADIQUE
17 Rue de Wattignies
75012 Paris
27 16
N° SIREN : 819 620 006
N° SIRET : 819 620 006 00018
Code APE : 9609Z

Hosting provider
PubliAtis Company
5 United Nations bd
92190 Meudon

Processing of personal data
The personal data requested on the site are intended exclusively for our services and will in no case be transmitted to third parties.
No "Subscriber" data is available on the website.

In accordance with the provisions of law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, we guarantee to users that they have a right of access, modification, rectification and deletion of data concerning them. No personal information is collected without their knowledge.

Hyperlinks (responsibility)
The site may provide links to other sites. These web addresses are not part of the ChatPrestige site, so they do not engage its responsibility.

Intellectual property
The information published on the site is the property of ChatPrestige.

The reproduction or reuse of the contents of all the pages of the website is authorized, subject to mentioning the date and the source and more generally to respecting the open license. The creation of links is possible under the conditions set out below.

Any public or private site is authorized to establish, without prior authorization, a link to the information disseminated on . On the other hand, the pages of the portal must not be nested inside the pages of another site.


Graduated in ethology and animal psychology and coupled with the professional experience acquired over the years as a cat-sitter, Chat Prestige will accompany you with your animals. We take care of cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, turtles and fish and soon dogs! We do not perform the guards of NAC (new pets).

Keep in touch

27 16

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